Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Some thoughts on this past weekend in sports.

1. BYU vs. Washington
I really wish I was writing about this game because of how great a game it was or because un-ranked Washington knocked of the 15th best team in the country. This, of course, is not what anyone was talking about after the conclusion of this game. Sure, it was a good game. A very good game. But college football fans were robbed of getting a chance to see if Washington could knock of 15th ranked BYU because the men in zebra stripes decided that themselves, and not the players, should decide the end of this game. In case you are reading this and do not know what I'm talking about (and therefore lived under a rock this weekend), Washington quarterback Jake Locker ran in for a 3 yard touchdown with :02 left in regulation to put his team within an extra point of sending the game to overtime. Locker, of course, was excited for the clutch score and tossed the ball over his shoulder and ran to celebrate with his teammates. No big deal right? Wrong. For tossing the ball over his shoulder Locker was flagged for a 15 yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct, turning a normal extra point try into a 35 yard attempt to tie the game. Of course, the kick was blocked, stirring up a pot of controversy over Rule 9, Section 2, Article 2c, which clearly states that any player can be penalized for an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for "throwing the ball high into the air." The Pac 10 has since issued a statement supporting the officiating crew and agreeing with the call. I guess there is technically no way to argue that it was a bad call since it is pretty clearly spelled out in the rulebook, but the fact of the matter is that it is one of the worst calls I have ever seen and here is why. The celebration was in no way excessive, nor was it done in a manner as to mock or taunt BYU players, coaches or fans. It was simply a kid rejoicing after running in for a TD that could tie the game against a team that should be mopping the floor with him and his teammates. The officials argued that it was not a judgement call but that is a load of crap. They could easily have easily kept the flag in their pockets and no one would have ever said a word. The NCAA, BYU, reporters, etc would never have given it a second thought. Thus far in the college football season there have been several plays flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct that were just baloney. Its a football game. The players beat each other up for 2 halves and when they do something good they are going to be happy about it and do a little celebrating. What's next? Are teams going to be penalized at the beginning of every drive they begin in which they are up by more than 3 touchdowns? I mean, what could be more demoralizing to the other team and its fans than getting the crap kicked out of you by another team? I hope that this play puts a stop to the officials trying to get too involved in the game and makes the NCAA look into the unsportsmanlike conduct rules a little better because officials should not be deciding the outcomes of the games.
2. Brett Favre's first start as a Jet
I was already tired of hearing about Brett Favre long before the season even started. Now that he had a mediocre game against the worst team in football last year I am even more tired of hearing about him. "That's vintage Brett Favre right there" or "what a performance by Favre" or "look God is playing football" is all I heard Sunday (other than the injury to some guy named Brady). GIVE ME A BREAK. Favre had an OK game at best. AT BEST. Yes, his first touchdown was impressive, but you have to take into account that he is playing against a young Miami Dolphins secondary that left his wide receiver so wide open that I'm pretty sure Rex Grossman on one of his bad days would have completed that pass. The second touchdown was a reckless, stupid pass and was pure luck. He just threw the ball straight into the air and a wide open receiver was able to run over and get it. If there had been any coverage at all it would have been a turnover on downs or an INT, and who knows how the game would have turned out then. If everyone is going to give Brett Favre the MVP for throwing two touchdowns and 190 some yards against a team that was 1-15 last year then I am going to quit watching football. If Favre had been playing against most other teams in the NFL he would probably of had 0 TD's and a couple of INTs. The running game of Thomas Jones carried the offense, and by the way, the Dolphins still almost won the game!!! Yes, the 1-15 team from last year that only won a game because Bill Belick forgot how to coach almost beat the amazing Brett Favre in his Jets debut. What if they had? What would people have said then? I can just see the headline "Favre spectacular in Jets opener but Dolphins cheat to win game" or "Favre god-like in first game as Jets but Parcels sells soul to devil to win game".
3. Tom Brady out for the season.
I guess all I really have to say about this is WOO HOO!!! I do hope he has a successful recovery and look forward to seeing him again next year, but for now, I'm going to enjoy watching the Patriots struggle for once.
4. Baseball playoff races
The race to the playoffs are really tightening up. The Cubs and Brewers have been struggling in the N.L Central, keeping the Cardinals weak division title hopes alive but certainly giving them a chance for the Wild Card along with the Philis and surging Astros. The Mets lost Billy Wagner until 2010, helping to keep the N.L East race close. The White Sox lost Carlos Quentin for the year, giving the Twins a better chance in the A.L Central, while the Red Sox are right behind the struggling Rays for the A.L East. The N.L West is still close as the Diamondbacks and Dodgers struggle to stay above .500. The A.L West, however, is not close. How is this all going to play out? Well I'm glad you asked!
Mets win the N.L East
Cubs win the N.L Central
Dodgers win the N.L West
Brewers win the N.L Wildcard
Rays win the A.L East
Twins win the A.L Central
Angels win the A.L West
Red Sox win the A.L Wildcard

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